For students to be able to comprehend and apply skills they have been taught. The teacher have the opportunity to measure just how much the student have learned.
Learning Outcome:
Given flash cards students will make the beginning sound of the word.
Teacher will hold up flash cards call children name by random and they must make the sound and tell the letter o the card teacher is holding up and tell if it is upper or lower case.
Students will write first and last name correctly.
Teacher will give each child two sentence strips one with their first name the other with their last name. Students will say the letters in both their names and tell if they are upper or lower case letters. Students will trace their name where the teacher have printed it on the card then they will try and write their name without adult assistance.
Students will recognize simple sight words.
Teacher will say the word and make the sound and students will repeat after teacher. Students will write the sight words. They will review them each day adding a new sight word to the list each week.
Students will count by 2's, 5's. and 10's.
Teacher will hold up card and have students tell what number is being held up.
Talk to children about skip counting which is counting every other number.
Students will recognize even and odd numerals.
Holistic Rubric
Name_______________________________________________ Date___________________________
Above Average 4
(define, label, recognize)
Good 3
(match, restate, summarize)
Good 2
(solve, apply, organize)
Developing 1
(classify, summarize)
Response 0
evaluate, criticize)
Students will correctly write first and last name.
Students will recognize simple sight words.
Students will correctly pronounce sound of letters.
Students will count by 2’s, 5’s and 10’s.
The only constraints I will impose will be having the students repeat sight words back to me in a timely fashion and then they will be timed on how quick they are able to recognize them. This will be done in order to prepare them for the CRCT in the spring of the year.
Kubiszyn, T. & Borich, G. (2013). Educational
testing & measurement: Classroom application and practice (10th ed.). John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, NJ.
Beautiful work Mary!! Nicely done!